Thursday 2 February 2012

Day One

This blog was created for two reasons. I want to track life with Olivia and be able to look back and see things as they happen. I am also working on a scrapbook for her and I was planning on making pages as I went along but I quickly got side tracked and now I've been making pages for things in the past and I've found that time has already gone by so quickly and so much has changed and I'm finding myself having a hard time remembering exactly what happened and when so I am hoping that having it here will make it easier to see it all. 

The other reason I made this blog is to track my weight loss. I have about 110lbs or so to lose until I get to my goal weight and I have decided that now is the time to do it. I want to be better and healthier for myself but also for Olivia. I want her to grow up and have a mom that is able to do things with her and keep up with her. I also want her to have healthy eating habits and get lots of exercise and what kind of parent would I be to tell her that she has to eat healthily and stay in shape when I don't do the same myself? I will weigh in tomorrow to have my starting weight and then from then on Monday mornings will be my weigh in day. 

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